37 Following

Bryan Thomas Schmidt

My thoughts on books, stories, authors, and publishing

Currently reading

The Clockwork Dagger
Beth Cato
Progress: 120/360 pages
The Road to Science Fiction 3: From Heinlein to Here
James Gunn
The Road to Science Fiction 4: From Here to Forever
James Gunn
The Road to Science Fiction 1
James Gunn
A Broken Christmas
Claire Ashgrove
The Ultra Thin Man
Patrick Swenson
Progress: 174/334 pages
The Broken Eye
Brent Weeks
The Dark Between the Stars
Kevin J. Anderson
Oath of Fealty
Elizabeth Moon
The Road to Science Fiction 2: From Wells to Heinlein
James Gunn

Sails & Sorcery: Tales of Nautical Fantasy

Sails & Sorcery: Tales of Nautical Fantasy - Elaine Cunningham, Mark Summers, Robert E. Vardeman, James M. Ward, Lawrence C. Connolly, Paul S. Kemp, Gerard Houarner, Jaleigh Johnson, Murray J.D. Leeder, J.M. Martin, W.H. Horner, Jon Sprunk, Christopher Heath, Gerri Leen, William Ledbetter, Leslie Brown, Patrick Tho Solid and entertaining although some of the stories run together due to theme and other commonalities after a while. Part of the reason is this collection is quite long. But the writing is very strong, stories and characters interesting for the most part, and the authors' takes on the themes are unique enough that this stands out as one of the more unique fantasy anthos I've read in a while. Recommended.